Azmovies Watch Full Inception

Director - Christopher Nolan; ratings - 9,5 / 10; Rating - 1955414 vote; ; Release Date - 2010; Country - UK, USA

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"Inception. It is one of the coolest and most epic movies I saw ever! Even though… I think it on the 1st position among them! This movie has directed by great Christopher Nolan – director of such cult movies as "Prestige" trilogy about Batman, Interstellar. All of this movies differ by fresh pair of eyes to science fiction. This movies make you think about many things. But "Inception" best of them. I would like to tell briefly about the plot. It is built on the idea of lucid dreams. We often underestimate dreams. But if you think about it, we can't control our consciousness in them, they show our true inner world. And if someone could invade into our dreams, this person could hook out all our secrets, all our internal "daemons. It is on this idea that the film has built. The protagonist Cob, has played by the great actor Leonardo DiCaprio, is a thief of information from dreams. He, along with his team, invades the dreams of influential people to extract important information. In addition, the main character has a personal drama: he can't see his children because he is considered as the murderer of his own wife. Cob was assigned with an order to introduce the idea to the son of the energy company director. After this order he could see his children. But the introduction of an idea is not the same as hooking information out of a person. This is a completely different level and isn't to be trifled with it. About the plot of this film I can talk forever, because almost all who have a TV or the Internet, have already seen this masterpiece! It is important that the film is full of food for thought. There are the game over time, the thought of our subconscious, about that the idea can drive a person crazy. Nolan has perfectly conveyed the atmosphere, the experiences of the characters. This film raised the bar for all film studios. I would like to tell about actors' game. DiCaprio has played his role awesome! In his look we see that he doing that for only goal: to see his children. And in the scene of his wife death he demonstrates unadulterated emotions: fear, panic, crying. Also I'd like to point to Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He is youngest man actor in this movie, but his playing not worse than DiCaprio. Also I would like to note that Nolan keep somewhere list of "his" actors who there are in much of his movies. For instance, father-in- law of protagonist has played by unsurpassed Michael Caine who starred in six Nolan's movies. The movie keeps you at the edge of your seat until the very end. In every frame, every phrase you feel attention to detail. So, the creators were so sensitive to the picture that they have rebuilt the whole corridor of the hotel in full size, and then actually has rotated around its axis so that the actors naturally fell. But also this movie has one drawback: the improbability of dreams. After all, in dreams, we can see other worlds, universes. And usually our dreams are completely absurd. But on the other hand, if this were taken into account, then the film would be a complete mess and nonsense.





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